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                About Us >

                CONTACT US

                • Hebei Zhentian Food Addit Co., Ltd
                • TEL:

                  +86 319 5925599

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                • Address£º

                  No.29,jianshe road,xingtai city,hebei china

                Position : About Us > Company Introduction

                Hebei Zhentian Food Additives Co., Ltd. was established in 2003, is the first research and development of food additives in China, with the national policy reform and the increase in world market demand, the company now has three subsidiaries and 12 Production line, the main production: Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Maltodextrin, Aspartame, Sucralose.
                The Company Integrated International And Advanced Managerial Experience.We have Established The Scientific Standard Enterprise Management System.Also We Have Passed The ISO9001: 2008, HACCP And Got The Certificates Of KOSHER, HALAL, FAMI-QS, Etc. Pub According to The Standard Of FCC, USP, EP, AJI, Etc.Also
                We can Manufacture according to The Guest needs and meet their standards, Our Company Has The Modern Factory, Advanced Production Facility. The Workshop Is Designed To The GMP Standard. We Own Impeccable Quality Guarantee System And High Quality Production And Management Personnel. Production Process Strictly Follow The Scientific Standard Operating Procedure. In awaiting Stable Quality Of Products To Our World Market.
                Hebei production and production achievements, scientific and technological enterprise incubator, and forming combined service system of "technology, money, production, administration Research and research ".With doctoral and master students as the core strength, college students as the backbone and large professional talents as the main body of a learning team. Combined with advanced process equipment and scientific, efficient management of technical innovation system, Hebei This paper is based on its technology quality leaps into front ranks of the world. We Sincerely Look Forward To The Cooperation With The Domestic And Foreign Friends, Will The High Quality Products And Service To The World. Let Zhentian Become The World's Most High Quality Suppliers!