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                About Us >

                CONTACT US

                • Hebei Zhentian Food Addit Co., Ltd
                • TEL:

                  +86 319 5925599

                • Mailto:


                • Address:

                  No.29,jianshe road,xingtai city,hebei china

                Position : About Us

                Hebei Zhentian Food Additive Co., Ltd.(Zhentian) was established in 2003, the company always adhere to the "concept of innovation, sales innovation, management innovation, technological innovation and mechanism innovation" approach, at all levels of leadership and social concern support Under the leadership and the unremitting efforts of the majority of staff, experienced a scale, institutional changes, branding and a series of development process, and achieved remarkable results.

                2014 ----today

                Our company in the continuous development and change gradually formed the essence of the enterprise's own culture: excellence in the manufacturing concept, the pursuit of excellence in science and technology concept, the integrity of the marketing concept of service, solidarity and cooperation philosophy. Today, economic globalization, knowledge economy and sustainable development have become the three major themes of human social development. In this big theme, the construction of the characteristics of the times to adapt to the corporate culture, so that the main body of economic activity itself is full of innovation awareness, is the company's greatest pursuit of goals.

                As a national food additive industry large-scale production enterprises, the company focus on scientific and technological innovation and stability of science and technology investment, the establishment of a complete three production systems, to carry out independent research and development model, with a number of outstanding scientific and technological personnel and a group of outstanding professional managers team, Dedicated to ascorbic acid, sodium benzoate, agar, potassium sorbate, aspartame, sucralose large-scale production.

                2013 ----

                Zhentian won the 863 plan food additive industrial base, CIMS demonstration enterprises.

                2012 ----

                Zhentian products have won the "brand-name products" and "Mianjian products" title. The establishment of enterprise technology center, senior post-doctoral research station, the company food additives testing station,

                Technology research and development staff of 60 people, Dr., master or senior professional and technical personnel 14 people, science and technology development capability and technical equipment level has been living in the forefront of the domestic industry, in the ascorbic acid major scientific and technological projects to achieve a number of achievements.

                2011 ----

                Zhentian has completely independent intellectual property rights aspartame products come out, the annual output 3,000 tons.

                2010 ----

                Zhentian held a general meeting of shareholders, decided to adhere to the implementation of the party's scientific concept line, with a global perspective, open thinking, innovative spirit of the overall situation, adhere to the "diversification, branding, international" development strategy , Carry forward the "integrity, dedication, innovation," the entrepreneurial spirit, based on independent innovation, focus on bigger and stronger, toward the "great cause of the world, a century Daquan," the grand goal stride forward.

                2009 ----

                The company as a whole rectify, abandon the company's leading skirt shareholders, the establishment of a new leadership team, adapted to the development of the times, emphasizing the "transparent system." While cultivating an emphasis on the efficiency of corporate culture.

                2009 ----

                In the marketing, with the sound and perfect market economy system, the competitive situation is constantly changing, the original sales model in the modern market economy expansion, more and more seem powerless, the company aware of this change, the rapid The company has formed a multi-channel, three-dimensional sales model of "marketing company, manufacturing company, marketing representative and some project agent", which has been the same as that of the project manager, So as to adapt to changes in the market situation, and establish a market compatible with the modern marketing system.

                2009 ----

                Zhentian officially obtained import and export rights, with independent export qualification, and in the same year with the United States, Russia, Japan signed a 1,300 tons of orders.

                2008 ----

                Enterprise is an important component of society, is the social "economic cells" companies have the courage to assume social responsibility, adhere to carry forward the "dedication." South China to Sichuan Wenchuan as the central zone occurred 8 earthquake, the number of victims 62,161 people, direct economic losses of 845.2 billion yuan. All the staff of the company spontaneously donated money and materials, and organized volunteers to disaster areas to coordinate the reconstruction of their homes.

                2006 ----

                Zhentian combined with information technology trends and participate in 11 food additives exhibition in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, the brand and the market combined to create an unprecedented gratifying performance, exceeding the original planned 35% of the production, 1550 tons of ascorbic acid, 2,300 tons of sodium benzoate, 600 tons of agar, 4200 tons of potassium sorbate, 80 tons of aspartame and 1,100 tons of sucralose.

                2004 ----

                Zhentian in the leadership and the public care of the three plants under full operation, the food additive industry has a shining star, marking the industry into a new level, showing the national science and technology research new Results.


                SARS market after the market to be abandoned, opportunities and risks coexist, difficulties and hope marriage. Food additives industry is seriously weak, resulting in people's food safety problems are particularly prominent, the industry's recession situation to be resolved. The state introduced a number of promotional measures, at the same time, the "three represents" the spirit of inspiring people's ambition. The original shareholders of the company to open up, carefully planned to set up factories in the financial institutions under the strong support of the local "Baili sand" sandy areas, the construction of 10,000 meters workshop, the introduction of advanced German production equipment, hired industry experts to form a local Food additives industry beautiful landscape.